среда, 28 января 2015 г.

Read the ARTICLE and do the tasks below.

Task 1 Answer the questions below.
1. According to the text list at least 5 names of the devil.
2. How did Pope Francis explain why the devil wants to destroy the family?
3. Who was the devil in the Old Testament according to the words of a specialist in religious history?
4. Describe the nature of the devil according to how Martin Luther and John Calvin had "seen" him.
5. What was the Hell of  John Paul II?

Task 2 Find the words to these definitions. (MacMillan Dictionary used)

1.The first part of the Christian Bible. It contains ancient Hebrew documents about the time before Jesus Christ was born.
2. A strong feeling of wanting to have or to do something, especially something that is bad for you.
3. A word or phrase that means one thing and is used for referring to another thing in order to emphasize their similar qualities.

вторник, 20 января 2015 г.


Read the article (LINK) and answer the questions below

1. People called models "living mannequins"...
a. Because these models behaved and looked like display mannequins.
b. Because this name was given by the most popular magazines of 20th century.
c. Because they could not freely speak with people.
d. Because a respected critic invented this name.

2. To the question of her name, a typical model would...
a. tell her pseudonym.
b. not answer at all.
c. tell the name of the model agency, where she works.
d. answer the name of her dress.

3. How did the models of early 20th century differ from the models of our time?
a. They did not differ.
b. The models were corpulent and weighted more than some men.
c. They were slender and supple, but not as thin as nowadays.
d. There were not any standards.

4. Arjamand was on a diet bec
a. Standards demanded to be stout.
b. She hated to be thin and gained weight.
c. She needed to be thin to be a model.
d. Standards demanded to be very thin.

5. By the year 1926 in the world of models was in fashion...
a. to be very thin.
b. to be fatty.
c. to weight as much as Paris tells.
d. absolute difference between weights.

6. The Mechanical Smile: Modernism and the First Fashion Shows is...
a. a book, which was written by Coco Chanel.
b. a film, which was shown in 1900.
c. a book, which was written by Caroline Evans.
d. a guide, how to be with fashion.

вторник, 25 ноября 2014 г.

A formal letter.

A formal letter.

25 November 2014

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to show my attitude to the article that was posted on 17 November 2014.

I think, that the problem, which is described in the article, is one of the most actual nowadays. For civil citizens of Europe this information may be shocking, as for me. We are used to consider human right as the most valuable part of our society. The numbers of enslaved people show, that human rights are not kept everywhere.

Approximately 36 million people. This number is 36 times bigger than the population of Estonia. 500 thousands people of 36 million are enslaved only in the Europe. This is absolutely unacceptable for the world with such progress as we have. How can the humanity be such indifferent to this serious problem? People should use empathy more often instead of being selfish. I believe, that if the newspapers post more articles on this subject, people throughout the world will be encouraged to join the societies, which struggle against slavery. The problem should not be left unsolved and must be illuminated more to find a proper solution.

Yours faithfully,

Igor Bronshtein

пятница, 23 мая 2014 г.

Name: Scientists Warn of Rising Oceans From Polar Melt

среда, 21 мая 2014 г.

Name: Always Hungry? Here’s Why

четверг, 28 ноября 2013 г.

Are traditions important?

According to my opinion, I consider that traditions are one of the most important parts of our life. Traditions mean order, Traditions as a festival make us unite, make us closer to each other, even if in another conditions we have no time for relations. We can plan our everyday life and the whole year if we know that on exact day we will traditionally celebrate something.
Certain home traditions for to make our everyday life a little bit more interesting and colorful. Traditions do not let thousands of people be similar, but, on the contrary, make each one of them and us original. It is hard to run away from traditions, because we gain them since childhood. They pass on from our ancestors to our parents and from parents to our generation.